Tuesday 14 June 2016

The colourful egg shell

I did this experiment because I had the right ingredients for it and it looked like fun. You can have as many eggs as you want and where to get the real information go to google and search up Sciencebo.com. What you need for this experiment: you need an empty egg carton and cupcake wrappers, salt, sugar, two bowls, need the same amount of spoons as the same of your egg, a container, dyed sugar and hot water. This is what I used for this experiment and you can do different. First you need to turn on your tap and turn it to hot so then you can get the membrane out of the egg. Make sure that there is none left of the membrane or it won't work and it will just be liquid inside an egg shell and that's what you do first.

Next you need an empty egg carton and cupcake wrappers.
Then you salt
And sugar.
A container 
Two bowls
And dyed sugar
Next you grab the two bowls, the dyed sugar, two spoons, the salt and the hot water. 

Then you put the dyed sugar in one bowl and pour the hot water into it to and then stir till you can't see the dyed sugar. Do the same with the salt too.
Like this.
Then you pour the salt water and the blue water in the empty egg shells. Then you put them in the empty egg shells.
This is what it looks like.
You can't really see this one. But now you leave it and then wait for about an week for it to form into colourful eggs. Make sure that no one touches them or they won't form again.
So I waited and waited and they finally formed into the colourful egg shells and they turned out like this.
Here they are, they turned out like this.
The salt one turned out how I expected it to be but not the other one.
See that did not work but at least one did! So that's the colourful egg shell experiment for today.

Made by Lottie. ^~^

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Health post

The health post is about my health and my BMI 👇🏻
BMI is body mass index and is a measure of my fat and i need to put on some more fat. I need to get my BMI over eighteen and now my BMI is on 14.1. Fat has to be above eighteen beetween twenty five and mines low at 13.8 and that's bad!