Thursday, 30 November 2017

Why we should stop cars.

A sensible idea would be stopping the cars from polluting our air with fuel and oil. Soon enough our air is going to be fuel and oil stink floating everywhere. The cars are polluting our air by using the fuel that will soon be gone forever! I think that we should destroy all the vehicles before they use up all our fuels for cars and motorbikes.

If we use up all the fuels there will be none left in the world for cranes and bulldozers to build stuff like houses for people who need it. This might lead us to the human extinction with no fuels and with all these cars all around the world in a few years time soon there will be not enough!

Surely everyone would agree that instead of taking cars to work or school we should just use and take scooters, bikes, rollers, horses, horse carts and walking. I think we should just use other things on wheels instead of cars. Only a fool would think that the smell of fuel and oil is nice when it affects your lungs because it is toxic and poisoning. It can also make you have health problems. If we use too much fuel it could pollute our air and kill all our animals and plants.

Overall if you think about all the cars and motorbikes that have affected our air could lead us to global warming with nothing to protect us without fuels. It could just turn back to the old days with no electricity, power, technology, cars and air that is polluted! Just create something like a bike or a scooter together which be better than cars and easier to use. I hope I have persuaded you that why we should stop cars because it pollutes our air and takes all the fuels.